Many teenagers and young college students considering having a fake ID a right of passage. With advanced photo editing software available today, it may be easier than it’s ever been to obtain a fake ID – but it is also a more serious crime in many states than it has ever been before. In some cases, felony charges may even be filed. Keep reading to learn more and then contact Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 if you have been charged with this or other college crimes.
The Definition of a Fake ID
While most people think of fake IDs as referring specifically to fake driver’s licenses, this is not the entirety of the definition. A fake or false ID is any form of ID that is altered, forged, or otherwise establishes the false identity of a person. This means that you could be charged with possession of a fake ID if you create a fake ID or if you try to use someone else’s fake ID as your own.
The Various Charges That May Be in Play
There are many different types of fake ID laws that cover making and selling false documents, altering documents, buying false documents, using false documents, and simply possessing a fake or false ID. Possession charges are the most common. You may be surprised to learn that you do not have to actually attempt to fraudulently use the ID – it is enough to simply possess it.
Issues When You Have a Real ID for the Wrong Person
You can be punished for using a real ID if it is not your own. For example, if a college student borrowed their friend’s ID to buy alcohol, they could be charged. While this does constitute fraud, the punishment is less severe than other types of fraud, such as forging documents.
Other Charges Often Come Along with False ID Charges
In many cases, additional charges will be included along with false ID charges. For example, one of the most common reasons a person uses a fake ID is to buy alcohol before they are of legal age to do so. If you are caught doing this, then you can face additional charges for underage possession of alcohol. If the ID was used in the commission of any crime, then that crime will likely also be charged.
Work with an Attorney Who Can Help You Fight Fake ID Charges
If you or your child has been charged with a charge related to fake IDs then now is the time to contact Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055. We can work to have the charges dropped, reduced to an infraction, or fight them in court. We are standing by to help you and your family get through this difficult time.